Lucy 蔡擁有美國MBA學歷,金融公司百萬鑽戒獲得者並位居資深區域總監。有20餘年房地產銷售經驗,被業界稱為冠軍級地產銷售人才。同時在金融公司榮獲各大頂級獎項!憑著自己多年積累的房地產和資本市場的資深經驗, Lucy最近幾年在美國市場內投身於高增長潛質的房地產的開發,投資和管理。
為了幫助更多家庭更好的抵抗風險、積累財富並傳承子孫,Lucy 率團隊系統全面的幫助廣大華人,提供美國金融知識,從幫家庭省稅,孩子教育基金,免稅的退休計劃,人壽保險,遺產規劃以及對抗意外的角度,幫助華人管理財富,量身定制新的保險計劃,更有免費更換已有的保單服務,讓更多的家庭最大化的享受保險帶來的益處。 Lucy 的精英團隊擁有專業地產,金融保險,CPA,律師等各領域頂尖人才,竭誠為每個家庭合理化省稅、避稅,增長和傳承財富服務。 Lucy 的宗旨是讓金融理財走進我們華人的千家萬戶,早日實現美國夢!
I got to know Lucy first when she helped me find my first place, during the process, she was professional, explained every step of the process, and provided guidance. Throughout the entire time, her focus was on what was best for me as her client, I did not feel any pressure to overbid nor to compromise on my wish list. It was very pleasant working with her. And as a results I have know her for more than 10 years and she has always been my go to person, to for selling or buying other properties.
I recommend Lucy to all my friends as she always puts her clients benefits and needs at first priority.
~ Sinan

"Lucy was professional, (and she) explained every step of the process, and provided guidance. It was very pleasant working with her."